A year to write in

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” ― Anaïs Nin

I don't make New Year's resolutions. Ever.I mean, I might have once, back in high school or something, but if I did, I probably broke it within the week.So I don't want to say this is actually a New Year's resolution, but I decided to start with today. January 1, 2017. A good a day as any.I've been a writer my whole life. I have in a box somewhere the very first story I wrote - "Winnie the Pooh and Mrs. Krambird." The front of the green sheet of paper is in a pre-kindergartner's scrawl, while the back is in an adult's flowing script. The words came faster than I could get them down and my mother had me dictate the second half of the story so it wouldn't be lost to time.The thing is, writing only gets better with practice. With repetition. With exercising the parts of the brain that cause the words to spill out, one after another, in some semblance of order.Writing is making order of chaos, in a sense. And I don't write nearly enough. I have this blog on my website, I have a Medium account, I have posted on LinkedIn and even wrote for a while for Inc. They all languish. I post a lot on Facebook and Twitter and other social media sites, but I don't sit down at the keyboard and force the words to line up on virtual paper.This is the year I do that. Every day.Some days, I will write only a couple of paragraphs. Some days I might write and write and write and write and not really say anything. Some days I may be profound. Other days just profane. Many days, you'll wonder why I even wrote the words I did; do they even make any sense?But I will write.The only way I'll keep this resolution, if that's what you insist on calling it, is if I tell you I'm going to do this. Then I've gotta.Photo credit: Foter.com / CC0


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